Treatments, Remedies and Cures
Individuals who have been diagnosed with hearing loss typically begin the search for a viable treatment option right away. Hearing impairment can range from slight to profound deafness and can leave an individual feeling isolated from their surroundings. Inability to participate in everyday conversations can cause patients to feel excluded and can evolve into a bigger social issue. There are a variety of available treatment options, or remedies, on the market today. Most approaches to improving hearing loss, such as hearing aids or cochlear implants, are considered ?bandaid? approaches and will not necessarily cure the individual or repair the damage within the ear. Today there is more and more evidence pointing towards the viability of supplements and natural remedies as a good treatment option for improving hearing impairment from the inside out, as opposed to utilizing a hearing assisted device to amplify the sound.
The Hearing Loss Pill
The Hearing Loss pill is a prime example of the ability to combine natural ingredients in a way that can target the cells within the ear to improve one's ability to hear. This oral treatment is ingested by the patient and works from the inside out by targeting the hair cells within the ear that are still functional and have not yet been damaged.
How does it work?
The ingredients are combined in a way that optimizes these existing hair cells and increases the effectiveness by which the auditory nerve passes sound to the brain. Though this is not considered a full recovery, individuals have reported an overall improved sense of hearing.
Another important function of the pill is the optimization of brain function, which results in the registering of sound within the brain to be improved. This feature is integral to the overall effects of the pill because understanding the sound information that is being passed is just as important as ensuring the sound is able to pass successfully through the inner ear. An example of this is individuals with hearing aids who are not able to properly understand the sounds that are being passed, despite the degree to which the sound is being amplified into the ear. The success of any hearing loss treatment is dependent on the presence of optimal brain function within the patient.
The final component to the Hearing Loss pill is its ability to protect users against further damage - something that hearing aids and cochlear devices to not have the ability to do. In addition to optimizing the nerves within the ear and within the brain for improved hearing, the pill also acts as a safeguard against further damage. Typically, when humans are exposed to loud noise, this will result in a certain type of molecule being released into the blood stream. These molecules are called free radicals, and are damaging to the cells within the ear1, actually attacking the sensitive hair cells and causing the individual hearing impairment. The Hearing Loss Pill acts as a scavenger to these free radicals and helps to prevent any damage from being incurred. The Hearing Loss Pill is uniquely effective because it acts as a dual system to both optimize and improve hearing, while protecting against further damage.
Who is a good candidate?
Quality candidates seeking treatment through the use of the Hearing Loss Pill are primarily adults who have experienced mild to moderate hearing loss. For more severe cases, the pill can be taken in conjunction with other treatment options like Hearing Aids or cochlear implants. For additional information about dosages, shipping, etc, view our full page of Frequently Asked Questions.
Other Remedies
Common knowledge states that humans require certain levels of vitamins and nutrients to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is evident in the influx of organic super-food stores, and GNCs popping up worldwide. As it has become evident that individuals are not meeting these daily requirements solely through the food they ingest, the use of oral supplements have become common as a means to prevent bone disease, improve digestion, increase immunity, and promote healthy vision. Only recently have the benefits of certain supplements been considered a viable source for improving hearing loss. Additionally, research has shown that by ingesting certain antioxidants before and after exposure to severe noise can prevent damage to the sensitive nerves within the ear, and thus limit the potential for permanent hearing impairment.
As noted above, exposure to extremely loud noise causes intense sound vibrations to reach the hair cells within the ear, and it is at this point that damage is caused by the release of free radicals into the bloodstream. The body's natural reaction is to release these destructive molecules, and unfortunately it is these molecules that are the direct cause of the damage to the hair cells within the ear. By ingesting what are known as ?Free Radical Scavengers? (many of which are included within The Hearing Loss Pill) you can prevent these molecules from attacking the cells in the ear. Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Lipoic Acid have all been used as successful Free Radical Scavengers and have shown to be effective at preventing noise-induced hearing loss.
Another natural ingredient included in any hearing improvement vitamin cocktail is the multi-functional Vitamin D. Vitamin D is known to be a great nutritive source for increasing bone strength. There are many tiny bones within the ear, and vital to the strength of these bones, Vitamin D is shown to prevent the likelihood of deterioration of these bones while prolonging the effects of ?age-related? hearing loss by keeping the organ strong. Osteopenia is a condition in which the mineral density of the bones decreases and can often lead to Osteoporosis.2 Often times acquired hearing loss based on the deterioration of the bones within the ear is attributed to age, when in fact the lack of certain nutrients is to blame. Taking the initiative to consume bone-strengthening vitamins like Vitamin D can ward off deterioration and prolong any incurred damage.
Magnesium's properties are known to increase blood flow and thus is another common nutrient used for hearing improvement, as it contains the ability to increase such blood flow within the ear. The presence of free radicals can result in decreased blood flow, so to combat this, magnesium is often an integral ingredient. Combining Magnesium and other Vitamins as a daily supplement diet can be a great start to improving ear health and remedying minor damage.
Other Treatment Options
Hearing Aids
Hearing Aids are the most common approach to treatment for those diagnosed with hearing loss and technology for these devices has come along way over the years. Earlier models were large, noticeable and not always the most comfortable for patients to wear. Evolution of the design, however, has led to a more discreet and convenient device. Today, most pieces fit in or behind the patient?s ear and can be worn consistently or intermittently. The units function by collecting sound and amplifying it into the ear. These are ideal for those with mild to moderate Conductive Hearing Loss. Those who have experienced Sensorineural Hearing Loss which can affect the inner ear's ability to discriminate sounds often do not find good results with hearing aids3, as amplifying the sounds is not sufficient - patients must be able to identify the sounds within the brain. For this reason, The Hearing Loss Pill aims to optimize brain function in addition to the remaining hair cells within the ear.
Cochlear Implants
For individuals who have experienced profound hearing loss, cochlear implants are becoming a more prevalent approach to treatment. These complex electronic devices are surgically implanted to help restore sound and have even been used in patients experiencing total deafness. Cochlear devices have often referred to as ?bionic ears? because the application has proven to help patients in extreme cases to experience at least some sort of improved hearing. It's important to note though, that the sound experienced is typically less pure than natural audio reception.
The devices are implanted under the skin behind the ear and include the following components:
- Microphone to pick up sound
- A speech processor that filters out external noise
- A transmitter that sends power via electromagnetic induction.
Included in the components within the ear are a receiver and stimulator which are secured into the bone. Electrodes are then woven through cochlea and help facilitate communication between the nerves and brain. While an implant is not a cure and cannot restore normal hearing, it does give a deaf person an improved sense of well being by clarifying sounds in the environment and helping him or her participate in conversations by understanding speech.
Stem Cell Treatment
New to the scene, Stem Cell Treatment is the treatment option most closely considered to be a potential cure for hearing impairment. The FDA recently launched the first ever study on humans testing the viability of stem cells as a means to restore hearing. Only available in the states as a form a research at the moment, patients interested in shelling out the cash for this treatment must go to China, Thailand, Mexico, the Philippines and the Middle East to find clinics currently providing this services. The Hearing Loss pill team provides a full breakdown of what patients can expect in this article about Stem Cell Treatment.